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The Echo - July 2017


Patriotism is on full parade during the month of July in our community! Flags wave, fireworks pop (outside the city limits, of course) and we find time to gather together and reflect on our freedom as Americans. The information provided below will provide you information about what is happening in your community. Do you want to be more involved?Email the RC Property Owners Association Board

A Message from the RC POA Board:

If you have been down to the pool lately, you will notice it is hopping with lots of happy people trying to get some relief and fun in the heat. Our memberships are up and growing, with the help of the pool committee, memberships have jumped from 65 last year to approaching 125 this year! We have some great young people working there to ensure everyone’s safety not to mention a place to grab a yummy ice cream treat! The pool committee also has raffle tickets up for sale to win two paddleboards! If you ever need a break from staying cool indoors, I urge you to go on down and check out what going on at the pool! Monica and the Pool steering committee have done a great job working together this year to put forward simpler rates and a more inviting atmosphere.

In going forward with our strategic planning and an overall goal to provide “total transparency” between the board and all the property owners, we have contracted with a bookkeeping service to ensure the POA is utilizing and following standard accounting procedures and reporting. This will provide a more organized presentation of our fiscal health and provide us a system that includes QuickBooks on-line, and on-line banking that will help us better plan for the future. Over the next few months, you as a property owner will have the ability to look at operating budgets, financial statements and balance sheets on our website. We are also planning to move all payments: POA fees, Ranch House payments, pool memberships, to a paperless system where you will submit your payment online.

We also have contracted with a real estate attorney experienced in homeowner associations. We are working closely with him to update and ensure our POA Deeds and Restrictions and By-laws meets all state and federal regulations and laws. He will also review possible options that could allow the POA to make a reasonable adjustment to the annual $60 maintenance fee, which has never increased since 1965. We do not have firm dates yet, however we plan to have town hall type meetings in late August and September, so the community can be part of this process. Please be on the lookout for these dates coming soon.

A special thanks to members of volunteer financial steering committee who has been involved in finding the right accounting and legal support to help us in our strategic planning for the future. Lastly, the POA board would like to recognize Jackie Lindsey (former treasurer and POA board member). We thought it would be nice to form a committee to decide on the best way to honor Jackie’s hard work and dedication over the years. Once we get a volunteer list of names together, the board will help organize a meeting and ask the committee to provide information, ideas and to plan an event to recognize her accomplishments for the POA. Please email us *here* if you would like to help.

The POA Needs You!

  • We need a volunteer to take the lead and help find an experienced grant writer to help us get matching funds that ensures we get get the full $100,000 from an anonymous donor.

  • We need two volunteers willing to co-chair and lead the activities and events steering committee

  • More volunteers to join the landscape committee and help develop a multi year master landscape improvement plan for the Island.

Our next meeting is July 5th, 6pm, at the Ranch house and we hope you will join us. If these needs fit your skills, please contact us as your earliest possible convenience.

The Pool You have the opportunity to support the pool and win 2 paddle boards when you buy raffle tickets! Tickets are $10 each or $50-6, and $100-13 chances to win! Purchase your raffle tickets at the pool and you need not be present to win. The raffle drawing will be held July 21st during Movie Night on the Island. As a reminder: ~ Family season passes are $250. ~ Senior citizens (65 and over) couples pass $100. ~ Daily rate for all swimmers without a pass is $5. ~ Families who purchase a pass may buy a gate key for $10 to use after hours for 16 year-old +. (pool staff will monitor and send all under age swimmers home). Aquire your pass by contacting Monica at 806-789-1677 or stop by the pool. Pool Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 1pm-6pm. Sundays 2pm-6pm. Closed Tuesdays.

CALENDAR July 3 ~ noon ~ Fishing Contest on the Island 🐠 July 3 ~ 6pm ~ Cookout at the Ranch House 🍔 July 4 ~ 10am ~ Celebration Parade of the Firehouse 🚒 July 4 ~ noon ~ BBQ Lunch at the Ranch House 🎉 July 4 ~ noon-6pm ~ FREE swim day at the pool 🌤 July 5 ~ 6pm ~ Social Committee meeting at the Ranch House July 21 ~ 8:30pm ~ Family Movie Night featuring SING on the Island 📽 Yard of the Month ~ beginning in August the Beautification Committee will choose 2 homes (1 in the canyon and 1 on the top) in the canyon that are well kept and have lovely landscaping. The winning homes will have a "Ransom Canyon Yard of the Month" sign placed in their yard to recognize their achievement. 🌵 August 20 ~ 5pm-8pm Summer Music on the Island 🌴🎤 Community Forum Meetings TBA (late August, September) Mark your calendars: The Taste Of Ransom Canyon returns on Sunday, October 1!

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