Texas Resale Certificate - Lot only
Texas Resale Certificate - Lot with home
Property Owners Contact Information - Please email form to Information is used for property dues (The Tax Place), the Ransom Canyon Echo e-newsletter, POA events and news.
Property Owners Association Dues - Invoices are sent out in December each year from The Tax Place via mail or email. Annual POA dues ($60) are due by February 15th. If you prefer email, know that the invoice comes from
Payment by check - You can mail check to Ransom Canyon POA Box A Ransom Canyon, TX 79366.
Payment online - To pay online you must receive the emailed invoice then click on the black box that says "Review and Pay". There is not a specific website you can visit. Invoices are tied to Quickbooks. If you need to update your address or email please contact The Tax Place. They handle all of this.
For more information please contact The Tax Place at 806-796-7170
Boat Slips - Boat slips are sold on an annual basis from March 15th to March 15th of the following year. To inquire about boat slips please contact Chelsea at 806.445.9994
Amended By-Laws (updated 4.3.19)
Previous By-Laws (as of 04.03.2000)
Additions to Deed Restrictions
Firewise - Fire-Resistant Materials
Firewise Presentation August 3rd, 2019
Voting Ballot Regarding Real Estate Building 2020
Historical Photos