It finally feels like fall on the south plains! We, the Ransom Canyon Property Owners Association Board, pray that you are hopeful and thankful heading into the holiday season. The Board is grateful for so many of you who have volunteered your time and talents to make our canyon a great place to live and raise a family. We are always looking for helpers to work along side of us on projects and if you would like to join us, please email the RC POA. Email the RC Property Owners Association Board
A Message from the RC POA Board:
Just a brief reminder that the POA board meetings are the second Monday of each month at 6:00pm. The November meeting will be a closed, working session and will not be open to the public. Thank you for your understanding and we hope to see you at the December meeting. Steering committee meetings now have a dedicated day, the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. The POA currently have some things "in the works" which have prevented us from setting our first revitalization meeting up. As soon as we have some of this business handled, we will be communicating with you a date and time to reconvene. We have some fabulous, hard-working volunteers and if you would like to be involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a board member or come down to a meeting. Candice Omberg POA President

From the Events Committee Bring your family and guests to join us at the First Annual Ransom Canyon Family Turkey Trot at9:00 AM on Friday, November 24th. We will meet at the historical sign at the entrance of Party Island and t-shirts will be given to the first 25 participants to arrive. No athletic prowess is required! The Taste of the Canyon was a wonderful event! The next time you plan to go out to eat, please consider the restaurants that participated in the Taste of the Canyon last month: Aspen Creek, Italian Garden, Teddy Jack’s, River Smith’s, E&J’s Smokehouse Grill, Triple J Chophouse & Brewery, Bigham BBQ, Plaza Mexican Food, Cap*Rock Winery, and United Market Street Catering. Let the manager or your server know that you are from the canyon and how much we enjoyed their participation in our event!

Farm To Fork In about 3 weeks Antonio Pina will open FARM TO FORK in Ransom Canyon. If you have had the pleasure of eating at the F2F food truck, you know that Antonio specializes in wild game, comfort food, fresh seasonal delicacies and locally grown produce. E 3 Farms and Pereira Pastures and Dairy are two of the local resources he uses to create his unique cuisine. Check out his Facebook page for menus! FARM TO FORK will be open for dinner on Thursday-Saturday and then for brunch on Sunday. The restaurant will have a full bar, white tablecloth seating, food available for pick up and delivery (minimum charge will apply). Antonio invites you to stop by and see the remodeling of the space and hear all about the food he is creating.

A Message from the Chapel Mark your calendar for Dec. 14th for the 33rd Annual Christmas Tour of Homes! We are so grateful to the 4 homeowners who are excited to open up their lovely homes. Thanks to the Underwood’s, the Golightly’s, the Barron’s and the Cunningham’s. The Tour is 6:30 to 9:00 Tickets are $12.50 each Tickets will be $15 each at the Fire House on the night of the Tour. Tickets will be on sale at City Hall on the Monday after Thanksgiving. It is going to be a GREAT tour this year!! If you would like to volunteer, please call Carol 829-2637.
A Note from The Beautification Committee
Our committee is looking into relocating the flag pole at the Ranch House to the driveway entrance of the Ranch House. This will remove hazard of it being hit/backed into by a car and open up area for ADA (wheelchair) parking.
We are also looking to relocate the dumpsters on Island to possibly the boat ramp area. We believe this will improve the aesthetics of the Island along with eliminating any further damage to the road by large trucks.
We are also acquiring pots for appropriate cigarette butt disposal (so our guests/residents don't leave them all over the ground). One other gentle reminder to pet owners who enjoy walking their dogs: please plan ahead and pick up after your dog.
If you have other ideas to beautify our town, please join us at the next steering committee meeting!

Library Information from Angie Fikes
Starting Saturday, November 4th, the Library hours are changing for Winter. During the winter months on Saturdays, we will be open from 12pm to 3pm instead of 10am to 1pm. This way the temperature has more time to warm up before the kids get out and about. Tuesday and Thursday hours will stay the same, from 2:30pm to 6pm.
We will be repairing the floor from the water leak sometime this month. As soon as I know the exact days, I will post them on Next Door, Facebook, and send an email through the City.
The Library will be closed on November 23th and 25th for Thanksgiving Holiday.
Santa is Coming to the Library! Santa has confirmed that he will be coming to the Library to visit and take pictures with the kids on December 16th from 12pm-3pm. Mark your calendars! Scroll to the bottom of this email for information about this email to see more info about the library fundraiser.

The New POA Website
A new era of the Ransom Canyon POA website is almost ready (our goal is the beginning of November) for you to navigate. It is a work in progress and so things will change from time to time; until we get it just right. A big "thank you" to Cassie Wenzel for volunteering her expertise to the POA. It is our hope that you will pay your yearly POA dues, Ranch House rentals and pool memberships electronically through the website. This is another avenue in which we, as the POA, want to be totally transparent with you. Ransom Canyon POA website

The winners of the November Yard of the Month are #10 Ridge Road (Vance & Lindsey Schuette) and #8 South Lakeshore Drive (Walker & Anne Sims). Thank you to these homeowners who make our canyon a beautiful place to live. These homes have a "YOM" sign in their yard to recognize their homes - go and check them out! Thank you to Berkshire Hathaway Realtors: Becky Harvey, Phyllis Lutrick, Ron Mouser and to McDougal Relator: Sue Keveryn, for sponsoring the "YOM" signs. The Beautification Committee of the RC POA will award 2 YOM winners in the months April-December.
CALENDAR November 2 City Hall Open House ~ 3-6:30pm ~ come & go November 5 Daylight Savings Time November 11 Veterans Day November 13 Ransom Canyon POA Meeting ~ 6pm ~ The Ranch House (this meeting is closed to the public) November 14 City Council Meeting ~ 6:30 pm ~ City Hall November 24 RC Family Turkey Trot ~ 9am ~ Island entrance November 28 Steering Committee meetings ~ 6:00pm-7:15pm ~ The Ranch House December 11 Ransom Canyon POA Meeting ~ 6pm ~ The Ranch House December 12 City Council Meeting ~ 6:30 pm ~ City Hall December 14 Ransom Canyon Tour of Homes ~ benefitting the RC Chapel ~ tickets available at City Hall Community Forum Meetings TBA
Each month the POA Communications Committee will publish an email newsletter, The Echo, and it will reach your in box by the 5th of the month. Publication deadlines will be on or before the 1st of each month. If you have information you would like published in The Echo, please email the RC POA, with the subject "The Echo", on or before the 1st of each month. All "last minute and late breaking" news and information will be distributed through NextDoor and Facebook.

To make available the most affordable amenities, which will protect and enhance quality of life and property values of our unique community!
Our mailing address is: A Lakeshore Dr. Ransom Canyon, TX 79366 Our email address is: 2017 POA Board Members: President: Candice Omberg Vice President: Bob Bellah Secretary: Wes Scholz Treasurer: Christi Underwood Board Members: Elroy Carson, Ronnie Hill, Carter Trew