Thank you to those of you who attended the Steering Committee Kick-Off Meeting on Tuesday, January 30th. Here is a re-cap of the meeting, just in case you missed it.
Chilly Chili Cook-Off Results
Thank You for the great turnout of the 1st Annual POA Chili Cookoff! We had close to 175 attendees, 18 chili entries, many great desserts, tons of fun and visiting! Thanks to the volunteers who made it happen and the folks who pitched in at the end to help clean up (we were out of there by 9). You were so incredibly generous with donations and we did better than we had ever dreamed! The winners of the cook-off: 1st place was voted to the Police Dept, 2nd place to the Fire Dept, & 3rd place to the Underwood team. Bob Bellah would have won Best Table - we'll have to add more categories next year. Please watch for more events in the near future, like Friday Night Burgers & Dogs in April. If you would like to join our volunteer troop, there are still positions available. What do we have in common? We like to have fun! Join us - you'll love it, & we need you! Thanks again for sharing with our community that we are so lucky to be a part of. Georgette
POA News
**Tuesday, February 27, at 6:30p.m.
#1. Disposition of Schmerseys Property:
Our current By-Laws say we must have 51% property owners/lots votes. If your unable to attend you can have a neighbor proxy vote for you. It's critical to get votes needed in order to bring closure to this matter. You received a proxy form in the mail, it is on the POA website and you can download it here: proxy vote forms.
#2. Proposed Amendments to POA BY-Laws:
Property Owners can provide feedback to proposed amendments Please see copy of By-Laws attachment HERE, and they also will be available on POA Website. Proposed By-Laws will be voted on after a 30-day notice to property owners at a special called meeting or at the annual April POA Meeting.
Other Business
#1. REASONABLE RATE INCREASE TO $60 per lot annual 2019 maintenance dues:
The board is currently working on a business plan / budget that will totally eliminate the risk of financial dependency of the non-wedding rental business that the volunteer POA board is operating and managing. The plan is not to eliminate weddings but to direct the profits into a capital reserve plan to be used for capital projects prioritized on need and community input. Property Owners will be properly notified and allowed input prior to any vote taken.
We currently have the treasurer board position open and several other board positions will be coming open in April at the annual meeting.
If you have an interest, please send an email to ASAP and a board member will contact you back.
Sincerely On Behalf Your Volunteer Board of Directors