I love it when the trees finally begin to bud and the canyon is different shades of green as I drive down the front hill to my home. This change of season means that Easter is coming and the end of the school year is in sight. Soon the pool will be bustling with families and the Ranch House will play host to happy brides and grooms! Did you know that the POA has special discounted rates for property owners in Ransom Canyon for the Ranch House? If you, as a property owner, are interested in renting the Ranch House, please email Marti & Heidi here!
Have you ever wondered what is going on in Ransom Canyon as a whole-not just events sponsored by the POA or the City? The POA has the perfect location for a Canyon wide Community Calendar on their website (see Community Calendar) and recently a volunteer, Diane Aquino-Medina, stepped forward to manage the task. If you want your meeting/event on the calendar, please email: to the attention of Diane Medina at ransomcanyonpoa@sptc.net”
POA News
Mark your calendars for April 17th at 6:30pm and May 15th at 6pm. On April 17th we will host a candidate forum for you to meet those people running for city office and May 15th is our annual POA meeting. Please watch your email inbox for an message from us containing a draft of the new by-laws. Sincerely On Behalf Your Volunteer Board of Directors
Are You A Firewise Citizen? With the extremely dry weather creating a fire danger on the south plains, the RCVFD would like to make you aware of the Firewise USA program.
Firewise USA™ program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action now to prevent losses.
Research tells us that the majority of homes ignite during a wildfire as a result of embers or small flames. There are steps that homeowners can take to reduce the risk, with the most important efforts occurring on and immediately around the home. Learn what actions you can take to reduce your risk of loss. To find more information on the Firewise program click here.